Engineered floors offer great stability and performance as well as better utilization of natural resources. The end result is a more versatile and sustainable product
Essex offers 2 engineered flooring solutions. We provide multi-ply and 3-layer constructions.
The multi-ply core is European marine grade baltic birch plywood with a 4mm or 6mm sawn face. All products are tongue and groove and end matched. The prefinished products are micro-bevel on 4 sides.
When requested, we can offer a 3-layer, lumber core construction as well. This is original old-world technique for engineering floors. This style of engineering is ideal for wider planks. It uses a premium sawn face combined with a solid lumber core and backing. The old growth trees are reserved for the face while systainable spruce and fir are used for the core and back. This creates a more dynamic construction that allows the floor to observe the rhythms of nature and absorb the normal variations in humidity and temperature.